Up: NuSMV: a new Symbolic
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A. Biere, A. Cimatti, E. Clarke, and Y. Zhu.
Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs.
In Proc. TACAS'99, March 1999.
To appear.
- 2
R. K. Brayton et al.
VIS: A system for Verification and Synthesis.
In Proc. of CAV'96. LNCS 1102, Springer-Verlag.
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J. Burch, E. Clarke, and D. Long.
Representing Circuits More Efficiently in Symbolic Model Checking.
In Proc. of the 28th ACM/IEEE Design Automation
Conference, pages 403-407, Los Alamitos, CA, June 1991. IEEE Computer Society Press.
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A. Cimatti, M. Roveri, and P. Traverso.
Automatic OBDD-based Generation of Universal Plans in Non-Deterministic Domains.
In Proc. of the 15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98), Madison, Wisconsin, 1998. AAAI-Press.
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O. Grumberg E. Clarke and K. Hamaguchi.
Another Look at LTL Model Checking.
Formal Methods in System Design, 10(1):57-71, February
- 6
K.L. McMillan.
Symbolic Model Checking.
Kluwer Academic Publ., 1993.
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R. K. Ranjan, A. Aziz, B. Plessier, C. Pixley, and R. K. Brayton.
Efficient BDD algorithms for FSM synthesis and verification.
In IEEE/ACM Proceedings International Workshop on Logic
Synthesis, Lake Tahoe (NV), May 1995.
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F. Somenzi.
CUDD: CU Decision Diagram package -- release 2.1.2.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -- University of
Colorado at Boulder, April 1997. ftp://vlsi.colorado.edu/pub/