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Running NuSMV batch

When the -int option is not specified, NuSMV runs as a batch program, in the style of SMV, performing (some of) the steps described in previous section in a fixed sequence.

 system_prompt> NuSMV [command line options] input-file RET

The program described in input-file is processed, and the corresponding finite state machine is built. Then, if input-file contains formulas to verify, their truth in the specified structure is evaluated. For each formula which is not true a counterexample is printed.

The batch mode can be controlled with the following command line options:

NuSMV [-s] [-ctt] [-lp] [-n idx] [-v vl] [-cpp] [-is] [-ic] [-ils]
      [-ii] [-r] [-f] [-int] [-h | -help] [-i iv_file] [-o ov_file]
      [-AG] [-GUI] [-load script_file] [-reorder] [-dynamic] [-m method]
      [[-mono]|[-thresh cp_t]|[-cp cp_t]|[-iwls95 cp_t]] [-coi]
      [-noaffinity] [-iwls95preorder] [-bmc] [-bmc_length k]
      [-ofm fm_file] [-obm bm_file] [input-file]

where the meaning of the options is described below. If input-file is not provided in batch mode, then the model is read from standard input.

Avoids to load the NuSMV commands contained in `~/.nusmvrc' or in `.nusmvrc' or in `$${NuSMV_LIBRARY_PATH}/master.nusmvrc'.
Checks whether the transition relation is total.
Lists all properties in SMV model
-n idx
Specifies which property of SMV model shuld be checked
-v verbose-level
Enables printing of additional information on the internal operations of NuSMV. Setting verbose-level to 1 gives the basic information. Using this option makes you feel better, since otherwise the program prints nothing until it finishes, and there is no evidence that it is doing anything at all. Setting the verbose-level higher than 1 enables printing of much extra information.
Runs preprocessor on SMV files
Does not check SPEC
Does not check COMPUTE
Does not check LTLSPEC
Does not check INVARSPEC
Prints the number of reachable states before exiting. If the -f option is not used, the set of reachable states is computed.
Computes the set of reachable states before evaluating CTL expressions.
Starts interactive shell.
Prints the command line help.
-i iv_file
Reads the variable ordering from file iv_file.
-o ov_file
Reads the variable ordering from file ov_file.
Verifies only AG formulas using an ad hoc algorithm (see documentation for the ag_only_search environment variable).
Enables GUI behavior
-load cmd-file
Interprets NuSMV commands from file cmd-file.
Enables variable reordering after having checked all the specification if any.
Enables dynamic reordering of variables
-m method
Uses method when variable ordering is enabled. Possible values for method are those allowed for the reorder_method environment variable (see section Interface to the DD Package).
Enables monolithic transition relation
-thresh cp_t
conjunctive partitioning with threshold of each partition set to cp_t (DEFAULT, with cp_t=1000)
-cp cp_t
DEPRECATED: use -thresh instead.
-iwls95 cp_t
Enables Iwls95 conjunctive partitioning and sets the threshold of each partition to cp_t
Enables cone of influence reduction
Disables affinity clustering
Enables iwls95 preordering
Enables BMC instead of BDD model checking
-bmc k
Sets bmc_length variable, used by BMC
-ofm fm_file
prints flattened model to file fn_file
-obm bm_file
Prints boolean model to file bn_file

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