Next: Symbolic Representation of Kripke
Up: Symbolic Model Checking
Previous: Symbolic Model Checking
A finite state system can be described as a tuple:
is a finite set of states,
is the set of initial states, and
is the transition relation, specifying
the possible transitions from state to state.
is a
function that labels states with the atomic propositions from a
given language. Such a tuple is called state transition graph or
Kripke structure [44].
Figure 1:
A State Transition Graph and its unwinding.
Temporal logics are used to predicate over the behavior defined by
Kripke structures.
A behavior in a Kripke structure is obtained starting from a state
and then repeatedly appending states reachable through
We require that the transition relation
total.2 As a consequence
all the behaviors of the system are infinite. Since a state can have more
than one successor, the structure can be thought of as unwinding into an
infinite tree, representing all the possible executions of the system
starting from the initial states. Figure 1 shows a state
transition graph and its unwinding from the state labeled with
Two useful temporal logics are Computation Tree Logic (called
CTL) and Linear Temporal Logic (called LTL). They differ in
how they handle branching in the underlying computation tree. In CTL
temporal operators it is possible to quantify over the paths departing
from a given state. In LTL operators are intended to describe
properties of all possible computation paths.
The syntax of CTL formulas is given by the following rules:
- 1.
- any atomic proposition is a CTL formula;
- 2.
- if
are CTL formulas, then
are CTL formulas, where
any boolean connective (
- 3.
- if
are CTL formulas, then
are CTL formulas.
Figure 2 describes the intuitive meaning of CTL formulas.
means that there exists (
E) a path starting
from a state
in which in the next (
means that there exists a
path starting from a state s0 in which globally (
there exists a
path starting from a state s0 in which
holds until
The other CTL operators (e.g.,
meaning for all
paths eventually
can be derived from these three according to the
rules listed in Table 1.
Table 1:
Definition of CTL operators.
For all paths, in
the next state
![$\mathbf{EF} \alpha = \mathbf{E}[ \top \mathbf{U} \alpha] $](img26.gif) |
exists a path in which eventually  |
![$\mathbf{A}[\alpha \mathbf{U} \beta] = \neg \mathbf{E}[\neg \beta
\mathbf{U} \neg \alpha \wedge \neg \beta] \wedge \neg \mathbf{EG} \neg
\beta$](img28.gif) |
For all paths,
until  |
![$\mathbf{AF} \alpha = \mathbf{A}[\top \mathbf{U} \alpha]$](img29.gif) |
For all
paths, eventually  |
Figure 2:
The meaning of temporal modalities.
The syntax of LTL formulas is the following:
- 1.
- any atomic proposition is an LTL formula;
- 2.
- if
are LTL formulas, then
are LTL formulas, where
any boolean connective (
- 3.
- if
are LTL formulas, then
LTL formulas.
The model checking problem can be formally formulated as follows.
Given a Kripke structure
and a temporal logic formula
find the set of all states that satisfy
namely the set
of states
(1) |
We say that the system satisfies the specification provided that
all the initial states are in the set
(2) |
Each CTL formula
is identified by the set of states where it
CTL operators may be
characterized as a least or a greatest fixpoint of an appropriate
predicate transformer [12]:
This suggests an algorithm for symbolic model checking which
is driven by the structure of the formula. For example, the
computation of
corresponds to the
following iterations:
Iterations continue until
si+1 = si. The existence of least and
greatest fixpoints is guaranteed by the monotonicity of the predicate
transformers and by the finiteness of the domain [12].