#001I would like to extend NuSMV and implement a new feature but I am lost in the source code repository. Where should I begin from?
Currently, there is not a tutorial for developers. We are working on it. However, if you have any question please send an e-mail to we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
#002NuSMV crashes with an error similar to "bdd_and_abstract: result = NULL", what should I do?
It is likely that such an error is thrown by NuSMV because of a lack of memory on your system (i.e. Memory out). You should check if while running NuSMV there is enough memory left. If this is the case then you may have found a bug. Please report it to with the following information: the commands you ran, the SMV model you used, all options passed to NuSMV and the specification of your system.
You may also try to re-execute NuSMV enabling BDD dynamic variable ordering, i.e. providing -dynamic
flag at the command line, or dynamic_var_ordering -e sift
at NuSMV shell prompt.
#003I was doing some checks when NuSMV went to segmentation fault. I believe my model is correctly written, have you any idea how to fix the problem?
One reason could be a low stack size limit: NuSMV still uses some recursive functions. Under Linux/Unix generally it does not create problems to remove this limitation entirely;
- with (ba)sh issue
ulimit -s unlimited
; - with (t)csh
limit stacksize unlimited
Under Windows the stack size is hard-coded in the executable. It is possible to use the Visual Studio utility editbin.exe
to increase the stack size. However, since this memory will be reserved, it is better to set it to a reasonable amount (e.g. 10 MB).
The command is editbin /stack:10485760 NuSMV.exe
To check that it worked, run dumpbin /headers NuSMV.exe
and look for string size of stack reserve
#004I launched NuSMV this way: "NuSMV filename.smv" and it immediately quit giving me an error message. Then I tried "NuSMV -bmc filename.smv", all worked fine and I got only a warning, with the same text as before. I am puzzled, is this a bug?
I launched NuSMV this way: NuSMV filename.smv
and it immediately quit giving me an error message. Then I tried NuSMV -bmc filename.smv
, all worked fine and I got only a warning, with the same text as before. I am puzzled, is this a bug?
No. The first way to launch NuSMV performs symbolic model checking using BDD. This technology can detect many errors in the model. Option -bmc
runs bounded model checking using SAT. This technology can't detect as many as errors as BDD, so we inserted some warnings about potential errors. For example, consider the model below:
1 2 3 |
It makes BDD engine terminate with error line 3: Division by zero
whereas BMC reports Warning: at line 2 expression might contain a division by zero
and continue execution. In such case it is the user responsibility to guarantee that division by zero never happens.
One of the solutions is to add a guard, e.g.:
1 |
#005My macros are not expanded when using the CPP pre-processor. Why?
Always remember that the CPP pre-processor is designed for the C/C++ languages. It might be that the part of the SMV file where macros are used is not recognized as "expandable" by the CPP pre-processor.
For example, calling "NuSMV -pre cpp" with the following model:
1 |
1 2 |
will cause the following error:
1 |
since the two dots (..
) followed by A_MACRO
is not expanded by the CPP pre-processor. A solution is to add a white-space after the two dots:
1 |
1 2 |
#006What is the semantics for CTL model checking implemented by NuSMV?
NuSMV provides the "fixed point" semantics. This is the standard set of fixed point characterization of the temporal operators (which differ in case of fairness and no fairness), and it assumes the transition relation to be total and deadlock free.
Moreover, in NuSMV there is an implicit universal quantifier over all the initial fair states. A consequence of this is that if there are no initial fair states then all formulas pass.
The (possibly arguable) choice of quantifying over all initial fair states turns out to be different from the "classical" definition of model checking problem that does not restrict to the fair initial states. However, this choice has also been adopted by CadenceSMV.
#007CTL specification with top level existential path quantifier is wrongly reported as being violated. For example, for the model below both specifications are reported to be false though one is just the negation of the other! I know such problems can arise with deadlock states, but running it with -ctt says that everything is fine.
CTL specification with top level existential path quantifier is wrongly reported as being violated. For example, for the model below both specifications are reported to be false though one is just the negation of the other! I know such problems can arise with deadlock states, but running it with -ctt says that everything is fine.
MODULE main VAR b : boolean; TRANS next(b) = b; CTLSPEC EF b CTLSPEC !(EF b)
A CTL formula holds if it holds in ALL initial states. For the provided example, there are 2 initial states, one of which violates one specification and the other initial state violates the other specification.
#008I'm trying to use NuSMV for performing theorem proving / satisfiability for CTL, but, even if using an unconstrained model, I get confusing results. How do I interpret those results?
NuSMV is not suitable to check the satisfiability of CTL, whereas for LTL using an unconstrained model does the work.
In fact, a model with a TRUE transition relation exhibits all LTL behaviors (i.e. sequences of states) but it exhibits only particular CTL behaviors (i.e. trees of states) where every state has exactly 2^n
successors (n being the number of propositional variables in the model, since the model is a clique). For instance, such model satisfies EX p
but not AX p
, although both are satisfiable.
Finally, from a theoretical point of view, we remark that CTL satisfiability is EXPTIME-complete and thus likely not reducible to CTL model checking which is PSPACE-complete.
#009I did some checks with NuSMV, using the -coi option; when I tried to re-execute the traces, I got an error message, even with the command execute_partial_traces. Are the checks correct? Why do the traces seem to be wrong?
Of course the checks are correct. The point is that the option -coi (Cone of Influence) forces the construction of a partial model which includes only those variables affected by the property being checked. This way, NuSMV may find a loop that does not exist in the original model. If the model does not contain deadlocks, the it is possible to reconstruct a concrete counterexample by refining the computed counterexample. However, this is not performed by NuSMV.
Here a small example showing this behavior.
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NuSMV -coi file.smv
generates a counterexample only with variable x
that goes from x = 0
to x = 7
and then loops back to x = 0
. If we ask to re-execute the partial trace generated with execute_partial_traces than NuSMV complains that the trace cannot be completed with assignments to variable y. This because, from x = 7
& y = 7
we cannot go to x = 0
& y = 0
. The counterexample for the whole system requires a path that goes from x = 0
& y = 0
to x = 7
& y = 15
that can loop back to x = 0
& y = 0
(which is the counterexample generated by when NuSMV called with cone of influence reduction disabled.
We remark that, the cone of influence reduction, as well as CTL/LTL model checking algorithms implemented in NuSMV assume the concrete model to be deadlock free.
#010NuSMV gives me a result wrong for sure. Consider the following simple example.
NuSMV gives me a result wrong for sure. Consider the following simple example.
MODULE main VAR c: word[16]; ASSIGN init(c) := 0d16_0; ASSIGN next(c) := c + 0d16_1; INVAR c < 0d16_100; LTLSPEC G (c = 0d16_0)
$ ./NuSMV model.smv --specification G c = 0ud16_0 is true
The result seems totally wrong. How is it possible?
The reason is the presence of a deadlock in your model. If you try incrementing the verbosity level this way ./NuSMV -v 1 model.smv
you got this warning:
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You can detect the presence of a deadlock with the NuSMV command check_fsm
You can't do this check if you are using cone of influence reduction, because it prevents NuSMV to build the complete model. However, model construction can be forced by build_model -f
Checking for transition relation totality and absence of deadlocks can be performed also in batch mode issuing the -ctt
command line flag.
#011I got two different results verifying the same LTL property using BDD based and SAT based model checking. Is this a bug?
I wrote a minimal model where this holds:
MODULE main VAR s: boolean; TRANS s = TRUE LTLSPEC G (s = TRUE)
The LTL specification is proved valid by BDD-based model checking but is violated by SAT-based bounded model checking.
Which is the correct result? What causes this behaviour?
BDD based LTL model checking algorithms implemented in NuSMV reason only about infinite paths. Thus, even for a safety property that does not hold, a lasso-shaped counterexample is generated, although a finite path would be enough. While doing the check, it is assumed the totality of the transition relation and the absence of deadlocks, and the search is restricted to consider only infinite paths, disregarding all paths leading to a deadlock. Thus, a finite path leading to a deadlock and falsifying the property will not be detected.
SAT based bounded model checking algorithms also assume the totality of the transition relation and the absence of deadlocks, but they are looking for a counterexample for the given property that is either finite or infinite. Thus, differently from the BDD based LTL model checking algorithms, a finite path leading to a deadlock and falsifying the property will be detected.
Both algorithms assume the totality of the transition relation and the absence of deadlocks but they do not specifically check for these conditions being satisfied. It is the user responsibility to perform this check by e.g. issuing the -ctt command line flag in batch mode, or by invoking the check_fsm command in the NuSMV shell.
Up to now there is no flag to disable the search for a finite path within SAT based bounded model checking. However, by adding within the model the following justice fairness condition
1 |
the bounded model checking algorithms stop looking for a finite path and restrict the search to only infinite paths:
Another possible difference in the reported verification results can be happen when the NuSMV model contains more than one initial state. The BDD based approach relies on the reduction of LTL model checking to CTL model checking (via tableau construction). CTL model checking universally quantify over the set of fair initial states. Thus, only initial states that are fair are considered. There can be initial states that are not fair, and they are not considered. This choice can be questionable, but it is also shown by CadenceSMV. Differently, BMC based model checking does not restrict to consider only fair initial states. Thus, if there exists an initial state that is not fair and from which there is a finite path violates the fairness conditions it will find it.
#012Since version 2.5.2, when processes are used I get this warning: WARNING \*\*\* Processes are still supported, but deprecated. Still, the NuSMV 2.5 user manual uses process. Why are processes deprecated? What should be used instead of process?
The main reasons for deprecating processes in NuSMV are:
At the moment processes work correctly if the model does not contain any TRANS/INIT/INVAR.
If any of such constructs occurs, than it is not easy to define the frame conditions of the processes which are not running. For this reason, the current implementation does not support correctly processes when relational constructs are used to model the behaviour.
Semantics of process hierarchies
Having a process within another process has the non-intuitive behavior that only one of them can be active, while one may expect the inner one to be running if the father is running as well.
Furthermore, definition of behaviours in SMV is not local, as it is possible to define the logics of a process from outside that process. The non-locality makes the definition of a clear semantics of processes even more complex.
The core of NuSMV is made with synchronism in mind. Adapting it to support asynchronous processes adds complexity which has bad effects on the core structure.
For these reasons, we decided to aim for a direction where the core supports only synchronous systems, and the support for asynchronism is built on top of it, possibly out of NuSMV.
The idea is to have a semantically clear level (possibly providing an expressive user language) supporting asynchronous processes, with a well-defined mapping between this level and the SMV language supported by the core.
We are aware that this decision may make some users complain. However, we think that inertia in this case does not help, and we are firmly convinced that at the end of the transition NuSMV will be much more robust and effectively usable than now.
#013My PSL expression is parsed differently than I thought, or gives me a parsing error even if seems correct to me, what should I do?
If you are using PSL operators such as "always", "never", "next", "next!", etc ..., parenthesizing may fix your problem, changing how the expression is parsed. Here there are some examples on how NuSMV parses PSL expressions:
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1 2 3 4 |
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1 2 3 4 |
#014Model checking can be a high time-consuming activity. How is it possible to speed up the execution of NuSMV?
NuSMV provides a wide variety of optimization techniques. Here we list the most effective (see the commands documentation for details):
- Use cone of influence. Depending on the properties to check, this can be very effective.
(option: -coi) - Disable some features:
- computation of reachable states (option:
); - generation of counterexample traces (option:
- computation of reachable states (option:
In general, SAT-based bounded model checking (bmc) is usually faster than BDD's one, especially for big models and for finding bugs. However, being able to conclude the property holds might be more complex for SAT-based bmc because of the need to use very large bounds.
- Use incremental algorithms (
Enable the dynamic variable reordering
command:dynamic_var_ordering -e sift
); -
Use an existing variable ordering file
(option:-i <fname>
); -
Disable BDD caching
(command:set enable_sexp2bdd_caching 0
); -
Tune the cache of the BDD package
(command:set BDD."Hard limit for cache size" <new_value>
(command:set BDD."Cache hit threshold for resizing" <new_value>
(command:set BDD."Limit for fast unique table growth" <new_value>
) - Generate a variable ordering file. Follow this steps:
- enable dynamic reordering (option
launch the long process for some time (few minutes, one hour, one day, depending on the problem size); - interrupt computation with
(it may not work under windows); - dump the ordering file (command
); - exit and restart the computation using the generated ordering file
(option-i <fname>
- enable dynamic reordering (option
Notice that a-c steps can be iterated multiple times to try improving the quality of the ordering file, i.e. i-th iteration uses the ordering file generated by (i-1)-th as initial ordering.
#015Hi, I am modeling reachability in finite games using SMV. For doing so, I set up a model with some initial states (that correspond to the initial states in the game), and a transition relation (that corresponds to the moves). For checking if (and how) a certain state can be reached I check the LTL formula (in fact only reachability) "AG !property", and use the counterexample. This works fine for BDD based model checking. However, when using SAT based BMC, it completely ignores the specified initial state, i.e. the derived counterexample does not begin with the initial state specified in the model.
I am modeling reachability in finite games using SMV. For doing so, I set up a model with some initial states (that correspond to the initial states in the game), and a transition relation (that corresponds to the moves). For checking if (and how) a certain state can be reached I check the LTL formula (in fact only reachability) "AG !property", and use the counterexample.
This works fine for BDD based model checking. However, when using SAT based BMC, it completely ignores the specified initial state, i.e. the derived counterexample does not begin with the initial state specified in the model. Of course, this is not very useful in my application, since the initial state of a game is crucial.
For SAT-Based bmc I used "NuSMV -bmc model.smv" and this is the output:
-- cannot prove the invariant !finished is true or false : the induction fails -- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence -- Description: BMC Failed Induction Trace Type: Counterexample -> State: 1.1-<- ...
Where State 1.1 is not an initial state of my model.
Can you tell me why the initial states are ignored? And if there is a way to circumvent this behavior in SAT based BMC?
With the command you’re using by default NuSMV tries to prove the invariant via induction using BMC.
In your case, the induction failed and NuSMV informs you about this.
1 2 3 |
The produced trace is witnessing the failure of the inductive step, i.e. that from a state where the invariant holds (that it is not necessarily) an initial state it goes to a state where the invariant does not hold.
You should use other invariant checking algorithms, like e.g. falsification, zig-zag, een-sorensson, dual for not ending up in this problem. These algorithms are only available through the interactive shell, since not all of them are available via the command line options.
Below is a simple interaction with NuSMV using falsification.
1 2 3 4 |
For the full set of options, try check_invar_bmc
–h or check_invar_bmc_inc –h
For automating the process, see FAQ #016.
#016I noticed that the interactive shell has a richer set of feature than the batch mode. How can I use those features in batch mode?
There are two solutions:
Write in a file, e.g. script.cmd, the commands you would use in interactive mode. Then you can do simply:1
NuSMV -source script.cmd model.smv
Here is a brief example of a command file:
1 2
set on_failure_script_quits go_bmc check_invarspec_bmc_inc -a falsification quit
You can even combine batch commands and interactive commands:
NuSMV [-batch_command1 -batch_command2 ...] -source script.cmd model.smv
On UNIX-like systems you can simply do:1 2
echo "set on_failure_script_quits; go_bmc; check_invarspec_bmc_inc -a \ falsification; quit" | NuSMV -int
$ cat script.cmd | NuSMV -int
The command "set on_failure_script_quits" is very useful because, without it, if a non-fatal error occurs during the interactive mode, the interpreter simply stops the currently executed command, prints the reason of the problem, and prompts for a new command, blocking your script.
For further information, see NuSMV 2.5 User Manual, introduction of the Chapter 3 "Running NuSMV interactively".
#017Where is BMC? NuSMV seems to be not containing any BMC-related feature. For example command line `-bmc` option is not available, along with all BMC interactive commands like `check_invar_bmc`.
You compiled NuSMV from source code, but when configured it could not find a suitable SAT solver, like Minisat.
The configuration phase actually warned you with a message like:
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Solution: you have to recompile nusmv and at least one SAT solver like Minisat or ZChaff. For further information refer to nusmv/README in the source distribution.