Project Members

NuSMV is Open Source and hence is developed in collaboration with different research centers.

The NuSMV partners

The institutions currently involved in the development of NuSMV are:

  • FBK-irst (Trento, Italy), as the co-developer of NuSMV and main developer of NuSMV2.
  • Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA), as the co-developer of NuSMV.
  • The University of Genova (Genova, Italy), as the developer of state-of-the-art SAT technology.
  • The University of Trento (Italy), as the co-developer of the bounded model checker.

Statements of interest have also come from several other commercial and academic institutions.

  • Ken McMillan (Cadence) has expressed an interest in contributing to the project with the improvements that have been carried out on Cadence SMV along the years.
  • We are cooperating with Interface & Control Systems (ICS) to integrate the model checking capabilities provided by NuSMV within the SCL Visual Modeler developed by ICS.

The NuSMV development team

NuSMV is mainy developed and maintained by the FM (Formal Methods) unit of FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler).

Here is a list of the people who are currently working on the development of NuSMV.

NuSMV <>